Equipment listing
For Checkout (Dry Classroom)
Cameras and Camera Kits
Insta360 Kit #1
- Insta360 ONE X Camera
Hero7 GoPro Kit #1 and #2
- Product page
- GoPro Hero 7
batteryBatterychargerCharger w/ 2batteriesBatteries - 64GB
microMicro SDcardCard - GoPro Tripod Mount
Hero7 GoPro Kit #1 and #2
Panasonic LUMIX Video Camera Kit #1
- Panasonic LUMIX GH5
- Rode Mic
- Rode Mic DeadCat
- Rode Mic Case
2 Batteries and Charger
Battery Charger- 32GB SD Card
- Lightweight Full Size Tripod (black)
iPad and Apple Pencil #1AccessoriesiPad (7th Gen)Apple Pencil (1st Gen)
iPad and Apple Pencil #2iPad (7th Gen)Apple Pencil (1st Gen)
GoPro Adventure Kit
- Product Page
- Floating Hand Grip
- Head Mount
- Hat Clip
- GoPro Dive Super Suit (Dive Housing)
- GoPro Chesty Chest Mount
- Gimbal Kit #1 (for GoPro)
GoPro Wireless Lapel Mic Kit #1
- GoPro 3.5mm Mic Adapter
- Wireless Lapel Mic
- Windscreen for Lapel Mic
Recording Accessories
phonePhonetripodTripod andclampClampkitKit #1 and #2- Gorillapod - 12”
- Smartphone Clamp
Smart phone tripod and clamp kit #2Gorillapod - 12”Product page:
smartphone clampProduct page:
iPad/tablet clampProduct page:
USB wireless lapel mic #1
___________Wireless Lapel Mic -
windscreenWindscreen for lapel mic
Tripod #1
Green Screen Kit #1
page: note sure of all items_________________________________
GoPro Wireless lapel mic kit #1GoPro 3.5" mic adapterProduct page:
wireless lapel micProduct page:
windscreen for lapel micProduct page:
micMickitKit #1-
windscreenWindscreen forlapelLapelmicMic -
Voice Amplifier Kit
- WinBridge S92 Portable Voice Amplifier
- WinBridge Portable Voice Amplifier case
windscreenWindscreenforForlapelLapelmicMic _________________________________
Tripod #1
iPads and Accessories
iPad and Apple Pencil #1 and #2
- iPad (7th Gen)
- Apple Pencil (1st Gen)
A/V studioStudio (Think Tank)
You will have access to the following within the A/V studio. These items are not to leave the A/V studio without explicit permission from IT.
1 x Panasonic LUMIX
cameraCamera for filming 4K video -
1 x
wirelessWirelessshutterShutterreleaseRelease - 1 x
tripodTripod -
1 x Rode
micMic -
1 x Rode
micMicdeadcatDeadCat -
1 x Rode
micMiccaseCase -
1 x LED
ringRinglightLight -
1 x
backgroundBackgroundscreenScreen (green,Green,black,Black,white)White) - 4 x