MLML Facilities Service Request Walkthrough ( WebTMA)
Navigating To and Using WebTMA
Moss Landing Marine Labs (MLML) has used the NetFacilities application for facilities request submissions in previous years. The use of NetFacilities has been inconsistent and the application is limited in capability. NetFacilities does not have individual log-ins or a simple submission process. Additionally, the general design and function of NetFacilities is limited relative to comparable applications on the market, and NetFacilities represents an additional cost to MLML.
San Jose State University (SJSU) Facilities Development & Operations (FD&O) has used the WebTMA facilities ticketing system for many years to manage the main campus facilities requests, work orders, and documentation of their resolution. The design and functionality of WebTMA allow for flexibility in use across departments, facilities, buildings, and rooms. Additionally, this system affords the MLML Facilities team to manage the requests, work orders, scheduling, technician assignment, and documentation in real time.
While WebTMA is a complex application with a variety of functions, WebTMA also allows anyone with SJSU credentials (i.e. Tower ID number) to log-in using the single sign on (SSO) portal to submit a Facilities service request using a simple form to kick-off the work order process.
MLML Facilities Service Request Process
• Navigate to
• Select Sign In and navigate the normal SSO process
• Search for “FD&O” in the search field at the top of the page.
• Find the FDO Service Request Tile in the search results. To add the tile to your My Favorites, click on the outline of the red heart (full heart is already saved in your My Favorites).
• Click on the FDO Service Request Tile to be taken to WebTMA’s FD&O Service Request landing page.
Select the Campus Maintenance Request link.
Note: As discussed above, WebTMA access is managed through the SJSU Single-Sign On portal. Individuals with SJSU Tower ID credentials should have access to this request page. If you do not, please open an IT ticket with the MLML IT team.
• This link will take you to the FD&O Campus Maintenace Request form.
Form fields include the following:
• Request Date (auto-populated)
• Request Time (auto-populated)
• Name*
• Phone #*
• Email Address*
• Notify me (auto-populated)
• Linked Document
• Request Type (auto-populated)
• Facility Name*
• Building Name*
• Floor Code
• Room #
• Department Name*
• Action Requested*
* Required fields
• Add your Name, Phone number, and Email address
• Upload and attach a relevant document including a photo, pdf file, video, or others
• Add a relevant description for the attached file.
• Select “OFFSITE” from the Facility drop down menu
• Select the correct building at MLML
Select the three dot menu for the Building Name field
• Add “ML” to the Building Code search field and click on the magnifying glass to narrow the available buildings. Click on the checkmark next to the relevant MLML building.
• Reference the MLML Building Floor Plans to identify the relevant room.
• Select the three dot menu for the Room # field to search for and select the relevant room number by clicking on the check mark or select from the drop down menu.
• Enter Moss Landing Marine Labs in the Department Name.
• In the Action Requested field, enter a thorough, detailed description of the MLML facilities issue you are requesting be resolved and what a preferred resolution would be from your perspective.
• Select Submit. You will see a confirmation pop-up window with the service request confirmation number, and you will also receive an email confirmation of the service request submission.
Later, you will receive an email confirmation when the service request has been converted to a work order and assigned to the MLML Facilities Supervisor for review and scheduling.
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