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Connecting an Android Phone to MLML WiFi

  • First, review this section of the Networks at MLML page


  • From the pull-down settings bar on your phone, press the icon that looks like a

WiFi signal (what this looks like will vary from phone to phone)

  • Select which network to join


For the Eduroam network:

  • In the list of networks, press eduroam


  • If the network is saved, press the gear icon, then Modify Network
    • This step may be different on various phones, if there is no Modify Network, look for something like a pen icon, or Edit Network
    • Alternatively, you can Forget Network in this settings screen, and go back to the network list


  • You should now be in the settings page for the eduroam network
  • Change settings such that:
    • EAP Method is set to PEAP
    • Phase 2 Authentication is set to MSCHAPV2
  • CA Certificate is set to Use system certificates
    • Domain is set to for SJSU users and

for CSUMB users.


  • See the table below in the Wireless Networks section for which ID to use for your home institution
    • Most common is SJSU (SJSUOneID Number or SJSU email address) and CSUMB (
    • Enter the ID which applies to you in the Identity field


  • Enter the password for that account in the Password field


  • Press CONNECT
  • You should now be connected to Eduroam!


For the Moss network:

  • Press on the moss network in the network list


  • You should get a pop-up notification directing you to the sign-in page.


  • If the sign-in page does not load, or you miss the pop-up, navigate to in your browser’s address bar
  • Sign in to the network with your MLML Username and Password
  • You should now be connected to the Moss network!

Other Networks

  • To sign in to the SJSU_premier network: Repeat the steps used above for the moss network, except choose the SJSU_premier network from the network list, and at the login step, use your 9-digit SJSUOne ID and password.
  • Similarly, for the moss-guest network, at the login step, all that is needed is

your email address.