How to Set Up Duo 2-Factor Authentication
- Go to this page:
- Scroll down to Opt-in to Duo 2FA - ONLY Faculty & Staff
Enter your Information. MLML is part of the “College of Science”
Wait to receive an email from SJSU IT enabling Duo on your account
Once you receive the email with setup instructions, it may take 1-2 hours for the change to sync to your account
Install Instructions:
Sign In
Click Setup:

Scroll down and click Start Setup:

Select Mobile phone and click Continue:

Enter your phone number and click Continue:

Select the type of phone and click Continue:

Search and install “DUO mobile” from your app store (Apple App Store for iOS, Google Play Store for Android), then click I have Duo Mobile:

Open the Duo Mobile app and tap Get Started or Add Account:

Allow camera permissions if you have not already and scan the QR code:

Once you have scanned the QR code, scroll down and click Continue:

Check/set device settings for DUO and click Continue to Login:

Congratulations, DUO should now be set up!