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Gaining Access to Arc GIS Pro (SJSU)

To gain access to Arc GIS Pro, please follow the steps outlined below: 


Requesting access to Arc GIS online 
  1. First, you will need to submit an iticket to the MLML help desk for access to Arc GIS online:
    • Include your Name,name and SJSU email address in the email ticket
  2. Once this ticket is processed, an email will be sent to your SJSU  email address
    • This email should be from the account "ArcGIS Notifications <>"
    • Follow the steps outlined in this email to set up your Arc GIS Online account 
Downloading Arc GIS Pro 
  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online account
  2. At the top of the page, click your user name and click My settings
  3. On the My Settings page, click the Licenses tab
  4. Your user type, role, and assigned licenses are listed
  5. Next to ArcGIS Pro, click Download