Recommended Operating Systems: MacOS & Windows
IT highly recommends using either macOS or Windows 10 operating systems. Keeping your operating system up to date with the most current upgrades available will allow your system to run at optimal performance and security levels.
Apple provides free upgrades to newer operating systems when they become available.
MojaveBig Sur
- Apple's newest version of macOS
- Compatible with Mac models introduced in
20122013 orlaterlater.
High Sierra
If your Mac model is pre-2012, macOS High Sierra is available
Once you have installed the latest operating system available, keep it up-to-date by enabling automatic updates by following the instructions here.
Microsoft's newest operating systems must be purchased before being installed.
Windows 10
- Microsoft's newest windows operating system
- Windows 10 is compatible with most PCs
Once you have installed the latest operating system available, keep it up-to-date by enabling automatic updates by following the instructions here.
Windows 7
- Microsoft
willnoendlonger provides support for Windows77.onIfJanuaryyou14th,have2020.anyThiscomputersmeansthattheyarewillstillno longer provide technical support and security updates. For this reason, IT recommends upgrading torunning Windows107, contact IT as soon aspossible.possible to be upgraded to Windows 10.- If you have a computer that must continue running Windows 7 (for hardware or software compatibility reasons), it must be disconnected from the MLML network and the internet at all times.
For those users continuing to use Windows 7, please follow these instructions to update Windows. Currently, there is a critical security issue with Windows 7, so make sure to keep Windows up-to-date.