IT Equipment Checkout
Quick Tips:
Check-Out Policy
If you are looking to check out hardware from the MLML IT hardware library, please refer to the following guidelines:
General instruction:
- Browse/search our inventory on Populi (you must be signed in).
- Determine the hardware needed
andand submit aniTicketIT Helpdesk Ticket to the help desk requesting check out- Detail in the request what hardware you need, what you need it for and when/how long you need it
- Pick up hardware from the Help Desk cubicle in the front office of the Main Lab when instructed
Additional policy:
- To extend your loan contact a Help Desk Tech via an
iTicketIT Helpdesk Ticket and request a check-out renewal. - Check-out durations can be requested in day, week, month, semester and yearly increments. Justification and approval are needed for durations longer than 1 day.
- Items cannot be checked-out to patrons that have overdue items or fees. Once all items have been returned and fees resolved, patrons can once again check-out items as normal.
- Hardware items CANNOT be removed from Help Desk cubicle without express permission of IT staff *
When performing check-out IT for equipment, ensure the items have been sani
Check-In Policy
If you have checked out an item for use, please refer to the guidelines below for proper check-in procedure:
- Please return it directly to the Help Desk technician on duty (unless other arrangements have been made).
- NOTE: Simply placing items in cubicle drawers while technician is not available may result in late notices and fines if the technician is unaware that the items have been returned. If you must return the item to the empty cubicle, be sure to notify the technician in some way.
- NOTE: Simply placing items in cubicle drawers while technician is not available may result in late notices and fines if the technician is unaware that the items have been returned. If you must return the item to the empty cubicle, be sure to notify the technician in some way.
- To avoid late notices/fines, return item within designated check out period and in good condition.
- Items must be checked in before they can be loaned to someone else.
- Items may not be passed on to others that have not individually checked them out without express permission or instruction from IT staff. *
Leica Camera & Laptop Policies
Leica Cameras:
- Leica cameras are only available for check-out periods of 24 hours unless special justification is given, such as semester-long need for classwork, or direct request from faculty.
- Leica cameras must be returned in person to a Help Desk Technician during normal business hours.
Laptop computers:
- Laptop computers are only available for check-out periods of 24 hours
- Computers must be returned the next business day between 9:30 - 10:00 am, by the patron to a Help Desk Technician.
A/V Equipment & Studio (Think Tank)
To assist with remote teaching and learning, the IT department has made various A/V equipment, backdrops, and lighting available for checkout to students and faculty members.
A/V equipment can be checked out for a maximum of 1-week at a time unless special arrangements have been made.
For a list of A/V equipment available for checkout, visit the Remote Teaching & A/V Recording Equipment List.
* Failure to comply with these rules will result in ineligibility for future item check out.