WordPress Embedding Best Practices and Policies
What does embedding mean?
Shortcode - Kind of like a widget in text form. Paste these into the Custom HTML widget.
Example: [foogallery id="4772"]
iframe - Raw HTML code that embeds a web page. Commonly used to embed things like Google Calendar and Google Maps. Submit a Help Desk ticket for assistance.
Example: <iframe src=”https://example.org”></iframe>
- Embedding
Do not upload videos within WordPress. They will be removed.- YouTube, Vimeo, and other video services should work. Give it a try.
- Insert as in-line text
- Insert as in-line text
- Submit a Help Desk ticket before publishing a web form. IT needs to ensure that anti-spam protection is in place (reCAPTCHA).
- Embed method(s)
- Shortcode
- “Append a Ninja Form” option on Posts and Pages - located to the right of the editor.
- Embed method(s)
- iframe
- iframe