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Connecting to MLML Wireless Networks and WiFi

eduroam eduroam (recommended)

"eduroam" enables MLML staff, faculty, and students (as well as other CSU campuses) to connect to the internet wirelessly and stay connected.   Once you are connected to eduroam, you will not need to re-authenticate every day. Eduroam gives you the ability to connect on campus and at participating eduroam eduroam hotspots.

To join the “eduroam” wireless network, simply select it from the list of wireless networks on your computer, connect to it, and login using the appropriate credentials for your CSU campus:

California State University Campus Username Password
CSU East Bay NetID password
CSU Monterey Bay OtterID password
CSU Sacramento SacLink password
CSU Stanislaus WarriorID password
CSU Fresno FresnoStateID password
SFSU SFStateID password
SJSU SJSUOneID or SJSU email SJSUOne password

Connecting to eduroam:

You will now use your email address to log in to eduroam WiFi networks

When connecting to eduroam, you’ll need to accept the new security certificate to ensure a secure connection to our campus network.

mossWindows Computer:

"moss" is a wireless network that enables wireless connectivity at MLML to faculty, staff, students, and volunteers.Edu2.png

  • Username:Mobile Device: MLML username (first name initial+last name)
  • Password: MLML user password


Mac Wi-FiOS loginX pageComputer does:


iOS input Device: into the web browser to access the login page.


"moss-guest" is a wireless network at MLML that is accessible by the public.

  • Username: your email address
  • Password: None needed

If the Wi-Fi login page does not load, input input  into the web browser to access the login page.

SJSU_premier (Phased out September 19, 2024)

"SJSU_premier" is a wireless network that enables connectivity at the SJSU campus. The network is open to SJSU students and affiliated faculty and staff.

  • Username:  9-digit SJSUOne ID
  • Password:  SJSUOne password


If you are using a Mac and having trouble with connecting to MLML wifi networks, try the steps on this page: Solve network connectivity issues on computers running macOS

If you encounter any issues connecting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to MLML IT at ext. 14418, or feel free to stop by Room 108 in the main lab.