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Computer Setup & Data Management

Below are the steps you should take to purchase, setup, and manage a new workstation.


Purchasing Computers & Hardware:

When purchasing any computer hardware with SJSU, SJSURF, or Lab-specific funds, we recommend contacting the IT Group by submitting an iTicket, so IT can help you find the best hardware to fit your specific needs.

Recommended Configurations

Browse the workstation configurations available and recommended by IT through the SJSU Workstation Refresh program.


High Performance Configurations

    • If you or your lab has a need for a high performance machine for a specific purpose, please contact IT by submitting an iTicket. The IT Group will work with you to decide what hardware will best suit your needs, whether it is a High Performance Desktop Workstation, a Virtual Machine in the on-premise environment, or a Cloud Compute Instance.


Storage Devices

    • External Hard Drive
    • Network Attached Storage (NAS)
      • For lab environments, where you may have lots of data that needs to be shared between many workstations, IT recommends purchasing a NAS. These are physical data storage servers, connected to the network, that allow you to keep your lab data in a centralized location and are accessible by whomever you give access.
      • Be aware that any lab wanting to purchase a NAS must do so with their own funds.
      • If you are thinking of purchasing a NAS for your lab, please submit an iTicket. The IT Group will advise and assist in the process of planning, purchasing hardware, and getting the NAS setup for use.


Hardware Upgrades

    • In some cases, a slow workstation's performance can be improved by an increase in memory or replacing a hard drive with a solid-state drive. If you are thinking about a hardware upgrade for your workstation, please submit an iTicket. For more information, see the Hardware Upgrades page.


Operating System (OS) & Software Configuration:

    • Install the latest operating system compatible with your device and perform regular updates to keep it running quickly and efficiently. For more information, visit the Recommended Operating Systems page.

Software Installation

To see what services and technologies you have access to at MLML, check out our Service Level Agreements.



All State-Owned computers will need to meet certain security requirements set by SJSU that IT will install (e.g., Spirion), but a password manager will also need to be setup by you and is required.

Password Management

Information Security

    • IT strongly recommends thoroughly reading and implementing the advice on the Information Security Overview to keep you and your data safe online.


Data Management:

Computer Backup

There are two methods you may use to backup a computer:
1) Backup User Files to Hard Drive
        • Purchase an external hard drive to backup your workstation (recommended 1-2 TB)
        • This hard drive should be dedicated for this purpose only
        • Setup the following backup programs available on your device to backup to your external hard drive:
          1. Time Machine - Apple Mac
          2. File History (or equivalent) - Windows PC
2) Create a Disk Image
        • Imaging your computer's disk creates a replica of the contents on your computer
        • Using a differential setup creates one initial full image of your disk, then the proceeding images save only the content that has changed since the initial image


Storage Management

    • To keep your workstation working properly it is important to properly manage the files and data on the computer

    • Backups should be routinely scheduled - can automatically set this up in the backup computer settings (see Backup section above and follow link)


File Migration

To successfully migrate folders and files from an old device to a new device, visit the File Migration Page.