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261 total results found
Installing Web Browser Extensions: Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox
Web browser extensions are popular add-ons that can aid in your day-to-day online activities and improve security. There are a lot to choose from, but simplicity is key. Only download extensions that you know you will use and benefit from on a regular basis. I...
Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
Keyboard and mouse shortcuts are automatically built into your computer's operating system and can greatly increase your efficiency and streamline your workflow. Keyboard Shortcuts There are a lot of resources online to learn shortcuts There are subtle di...
Google Docs
Google Docs are a great way to share documents between multiple people and allow for simultaneous editing so everyone has the most up-to-date version. Google Docs is very similar to other text editors; however, there are some functions that are specific to G...
How to Respond to Scam Calls - Don't
Phone-Related Threats Scam Calls / Robocalls If you receive a phone call that seems suspicious, whether it's a computer-generated voice on the other end or a person fishing for personal information: Don't fol...
Migrating from Dropbox to Google Backup and Sync
Create a folder on Google Drive (web interface) which you would like to have synced with your Dropbox files. Download and Install Google Backup and Sync Click on the Google Backup and Sync tray icon or quick launch icon (looks like a cloud with an up ar...
Recovering Duo 2-Factor Account
When you setup your Duo 2-Factor Account, it's important to setup Duo Restore to ensure easy account recovery if you get a new device or your account is deleted off your original device. However, if you did not enable Duo Restore before getting a new device ...
Gmail Overview
IT has created multiple pages to help you configure and use your Gmail account. These pages can be found in our Gmail section of our KB. If you need help determining your user account information, visit our User Accounts page.
Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts is an easy way to video chat and hold meetings with up to 50 people. The service may be accessed online through the Gmail, Google+ websites, or mobile applications. Google Hangouts is a reliable alternative to Zoom Video Conferencing. Start a...
Zoom for Remote Teaching at MLML
How to host a Remote Class at MLML using Zoom: For a more comprehensive guide for using Zoom, follow this link. For Zoom Security Best Practices & Recommendations, follow this link. What you will need: Laptop - for hosting the Zoom meeting Down...
Submitting Timesheets with DocuSign
Submit all timesheets to your Supervisor through DocuSign and CC Jane Webster to ensure that they are approved in a timely manner. Here is a great, short tutorial for DocuSign: Download You...
Access the Network using Cisco AnyConnect VPN client
Connect to SJSU's VPN to access the following services remotely: Secure (Level 1) Department Network File Shares Enrollment Services FileMaker databases (e.g. NextSteps) SAMI Gateway OnBase Unity Client SJSU Research Foundation PI Dashboard Most ML...
Configure call forwarding on your desk phone
Forward calls going to your Cisco phone to another number (i.e. cell phone or home phone): On your Cisco phone, tap the Forward All button on the touchscreen. Enter the number to which you want to forward your calls. Be sure to prepend the full 10-digit nu...
Recommended Software (link)
Check out some software we recommend on our Recommended Software Page
Guide for Zoom Seminar Participants
Configure Zoom Prior to the Seminar Download the Zoom Client app ahead of time If you don’t anticipate asking questions, watch seminar via YouTube on our Live Stream Page Set your name in your Zoom portal and/or app Configure your Zoom Client app t...
Blog Manager Handbook
MLML Drop-In Blog Blog Manager Handbook First Edition by Erin Loury (September 18, 2011) Revised by Vicky Vásquez (August 19, 2015) Revised by Lauren Cooley (April 27, 2020) Contents ...
Student Blogger Handbook
MLML Drop-In Blog Student Blogger Handbook First Edition by Erin Loury (September 18, 2011) Revised by Vicky Vásquez (August 19, 2015) Revised by Lauren Cooley (April 27, 2020) Contents Blog Mission Statement What Qualifies as a Blog Post? Blog...
Zoom Security Best Practices & Recommendations
Do's and Don'ts at a Glance Scheduling: The Do's Hosting: The Do's DO keep meeting passwords on DO use automatically-generated meeting IDs DO keep meeting links private for private meetings DO control who you distribute classroom meetin...
IT Equipment Checkout
Follow this link to the IT equipment check-out and check-in procedures from the HelpDesk Cubicle.
Gmail: Send Emails from a Google Group or Alias
If you have an alternate email that you would like to send emails from through your gmail account or if you are apart of a Google Group and need to send emails on its behalf, follow the instructions below to add the addresses. Add an Address You Own Navi...
SJSU Research Foundation Timecard & PI Online Dashboard
Employee Online / Timecard Online For Research Foundation employee timecard submissions, W2 info, digital paystubs, and more. Login: If you are unable to login, please email the SJSU Research Foundation IT gro...